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研究方向:量子光学和量子信息。主要研究领域是量子测量、量子通讯、量子计算、量子人工智能等方面。主要研究内容是通过激光和其他电磁调控等手段,在混合量子系统中发现非经典光学现象;发展光量子调控技术,探究热环境的量子热动力学机理。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目1项(2010-2012);主持完成国家教育部和人社部项目1项(2012-2014)。主持完成江苏省高校自然科学基金1项(2009-2011),江苏省教育厅研究生教育改革项目1项(2015-2018)。在European Physical Journal C、Physical ReviewA、Annelan der Physik、Quantum Information Processing等学术期刊发表SCI收录论文40余篇。


[1]C.-J.Yao, K. Yan, Q.-Y. Wu, Y.-Z. Wu and X. Hao*, Decoherence of Dirac-Quantumness for Open Particles in aDilatonic Black Hole,Annalen der Physik, 2100310(2021);

[2]C.-J.Yao, H.-F. Huang, Y. Yao, Y.-Z. Wu and X. Hao*, Coexistence of polar distortion and conduction in doped 2D group-IV ferroelectrics: SiGe, SiSn, and GeSn, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 33, 145302(2021);

[3]H.-F. Huang, C.-J. Yao, Y. Yao, J.-Y. Zhang, H. Gu, Y.-Z. Wu and X. Hao,Nonvolatile tuning of the Rashba effect in the CuInP2S6/MoSSe/CuInP2S6 heterostructure,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 128, 224105(2020)

[4]H.T.Teng,W.-T.Wang,X.-F.Han., X.Hao, R.-ZYang, J.-H.Tian,Recent Development and Perspectives of Flexible Zinc-Air Batteries,物理化学学报,38 (X), 2107017(2022);

[5]N.Batool, W.Iqbal, X.-F.Han, W.-T.Wang, H.-T.Teng, X.Hao, R.-Z.Yang and J.-H.Tian,Encapsulation of Pt Nanocrystals inside Pyrolyzed UiO-66-NH2 Metal−Organic Framework Supports as Oxygen Reduction Catalysts, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4, 12365(2021)

[6]Shao Ya-Ting, Yan Kai, Wu Yin-Zhong,Hao Xiang*,“Dynamics of multipartite quantum coherence in anasymmetric spin-orbit coupled system”,物理学报Acta Phys. Sin, Vol. 70, 010301(2021).

[7]Z.Z. Sun, H.F. Huang, W. Xun, S.J. Shi, S. Ju, X. Hao and Y.Z. Wu,“First-principle study of sulfur vacancy and O2 adsorption on the electronic and optical properties of ferroelectric CuInP2S6 monolayer”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 32,335001(2020).

[8]Y.-M. Huang,Y. Kai,Y.-Z. Wu, Xiang Hao*, “Decoherenceofquantumparameterestimationfor open Dirac qubit in Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger dilation black hole”,European Physical Journal C79,974(2019).

[9]Y.-Q. Xie, Y.-M. Huang, Y.-Z. Wu, Xiang Hao*,“Quantum demultiplexer ofquantum parameter-estimation information in quantum networks”, Quantum Information Processing 17, 108(2018).

[10]Wei Xun, Xiang Hao, Tao Pan, Jia-Lin Zhong, Chun-Lan Ma, Fang Hou, and Yin-Zhong Wu,“Electric controlling of surface metal-insulator transition in the doped BaTiO3 film”,AIP ADVANCES 7, 075302 (2017).

[11]W.-J. Wu, K. Yan, Y.-Q. Xie, Yinzhong Wu and Xiang Hao*,“Quantum speed-up dynamical crossover in open systems”,International Journal of Quantum Information,Vol. 15, No. 4,1750027 (2017).

[12]K. Yan, Y.-Q. Xie, Y.-M. Huang, Xiang Hao*,“Quantum Fisher Information of Driven Multi-particle Systems in Structured BosonicReservoirs”,Communication Theoretical Physics,67,261(2017) .

[13]W.-J. Wu, K. Yan, Yinzhong Wu and Xiang Hao*,“Thermal quantum speed limit for classical-driving open systems”,Modern Physics Letters B,Vol. 30, Nos. 32,1650389(2016).

[14]Xiang Hao* and Yinzhong Wu,“Quantum nonunital dynamics of spin-bath-assisted Fisher information”, AIP ADVANCES 6, 045106 (2016).

[15]Xiang Hao* and Yinzhong Wu,“Quantum parameter estimation in the Unruh–DeWitt detector model”, Annals of Physics, 372, 110(2016).

[16]Xiang Hao*, X.-Q. Wang, C. Liu, and S. Zhu,“Finite-temperature decoherence of spin states in a {Cu3} single molecular magnet”, Journal of Physics B: Atom Molcular Optics Physics, 46 025502(2013).

[17]Xiang Hao*, N.-H. Tong, and S. Zhu,“Dynamics of the quantum Fisher information in a spin-boson model”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 46, 355302(2013).

[18]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“ENHANCED QUANTUM TELEPORTATION IN NON-MARKOVIAN ENVIRONMENTS”, International Journal of Quantum Information, 5,125005(2012).

[19]Xiang Hao*, J.-Q. Sha, J. Sun,“Dynamics of Quantum Entanglement in Reservoir with Memory Effects”, Communication Theoretical Physics ,57, 29(2012).

[20]Xiang Hao*, T. Pan, J.-Q. Sha, S. Zhu,“Dynamics of Quantum Discord in Asymmetric and Local Non-Markovian Environments”, COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS , 55, 41(2011).

[21]Xiang Hao*,“Quantum renormalization of entanglement in an antisymmetric anisotropic and bond-alternating spin system”, Physical Review A, 81, 044301(2010).

[22]Xiang Hao*, Chun-Lan Ma, and Jin-Qiao Sha,“Decoherence of quantum discord in an asymmetric-anisotropy spin system”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2010, 43(42): 425302.

[23]Xiang Hao*,“Thermal decoherence of long-distance entanglement in spin-1 chains”Physical Review A, 80, 024303(2009).

[24]X. F. Jiang, Y. Z. Wu, C. H. Shi, Xiang. Hao and T. Pan,“Dynamics of entanglement in one-dimensional Ising chains with two- and three-body interactions”, EuropeanPhysicsJournalD,53,253(2009).

[25]J. Ren, S. Zhu and Xiang. Hao,Entanglement entropy in an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain with boundary impurity ,Journal of Physics B: Atom Molcular Optics Physics,42, 015504(2009).

[26]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Quantum information processing in a spin-bus system of coupled chains”, Physical Review A,78, 044302(2008).

[27]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Swap action in a solid-state controllable anisotropic Heisenberg model”, PHYSICS LETTERS A , 372, 1119(2008).

[28]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Enhanced teleportation through anisotropic Heisenberg quantum spin chains”, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B, 22, 17(2008).

[29]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Entanglement in a quantum mixed-spin chain”, PHYSICS LETTERS A ,366.206(2007).

[30]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Quantum computation in semiconductor quantum dots of electron-spin asymmetric anisotropic exchange”, Physical Review A,76, 044306(2007).

[31]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Entanglement generation in trapped atoms”, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, 41, 199(2007).

[32]Y. Zhu, S. Zhu, Xiang Hao*,“Entanglement in an anisotropic spin-1 Heisenberg chain”, CHINESE PHYSICSB, 16, 2229(2007).

[33]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Entanglement in a dimerized antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION , 4, 1037(2006).

[34]Xiang Hao*, R. Zhang, S. Zhu,“Average fidelity of teleportation in quantum noise channel”, COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS , 45, 802(2006).

[35]Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Canonical quantum teleportation of two-particle arbitrary state”, COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 44, 353(2005).

Xiang Hao*, S. Zhu,“Entanglement teleportation through 1D Heisenberg chain”, PHYSICS LETTERS A , 338, 175(2005).

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