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The Minimal Thermodynamic Cost of Qubit Reset Across Time Scales





报告摘要:The Landauer principle limits the thermodynamic cost for qubit reset, which can only be achieved through the quasistatic protocol. In practice, the process of qubit reset must be operated in a finite time, which leads to additional costs. By investigating qubit reset via finite-time protocols, we establish a general form of minimal thermodynamic cost for a set error probability, as well as the corresponding optimal protocol. The general form reveals the behavior in the slow-driving regime and fast-driving regime that is essential for practice. Furthermore, for the bounded transition rate, we prove the existence of the minimal error probability for a given erasure time. Our results are exemplified by the Arrhenius case, fermionic heat bath, and bosonic heat baths with different spectral densities. The analysis of these examples yields intriguing conclusions. This work sheds light on the design of energy-efficient quantum devices and information processing across diverse platforms.

报告人简介:刘越,厦门大学博士后。已在Phys. Rev. EChin. Phys. Lett等学术期刊上发表6篇学术论文。



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